Video Lecture

Here is the list of Shuyukh alphabetically.

Abdul-Majeed Al-Zendany
Download Video Lecture torrent for Shaikh Abdul-Majeed Al-Zindany - Western Scientists and Quran - Arabic with English subtitle.

Ahmed Deedat 
Download Video Lecture torrent for Shaikh Ahmed deedat:

1 - First torrent (High Quality videos) contain:
 Concept of God in Hinduism and Islam (Symposium) - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat Debate With American Soldiers(WMV)
Deedats Encounter with Christian Missionaries
Islam and other religions
Christ in Islam
Sequel to Christ in Islam
Freely Speaking
Quran or the Computer
What the Bible says about Muhammad
Al-Quran a Miracle of Miracles
Is Jesus God
Crucifixion or Cruci-fiction
Islam and Christianity
Islam Christianity SABC Debate
Man-God Relationship in Islam
Was Christ Crucified Deedat vs Floyd
Deedat on BBC
First series Short Talks
Pre-Khutbah talk at University of Natal
Combat Kit Course Against Bible Thumpers
Christianity and Islam Geneva
Deedats Message to Muslim Students
Fosis 23rd Annual Gathering Christmas
Is Jesus God-Deedat vs Anis Shorrosh
The Quran or The Bible Which is Gods Word
Quran or the Bible Preview of UK Debate in South Africa
Jesus Christ in Christianity and Islam
Is the Bible Gods Word Preview of USA Debate in UAE
Is the Bible Gods Word
Is the Bible Gods Word Q and A
Muhummed in the Bible in response to Swaggart
Jesus Beloved Prophet of Islam
Dawah or Destruction
Crucifixion Fact or Fiction
Missionary Inroads
Muhammad PBUH the Greatest
Muhummed the Natural Successor to Christ
Islam and Christianity
Challenge of the Missionaries
Was Christ Crucified Deedat vs Wakefeild
Popes Pious Pronouncement
How Not To Do Dawah
Debate Quran or the Bible Shorrosh
Sequel to Quran or the Bible which is Gods word
Christian Missionaries at IPCI
Jesus Man Myth or God
Jesus and Muhammed Comparative Study
Challenge of Islam
Dawah in the USA
Kuwait Series 1
Kuwait Series 2
Kuwait Series 4
Kuwait Series 5
Freely Speaking
If the Lable Shows Your Intent Wear It
A Dire Warning
New Deceit in Christian Evangelism
Is the Bible true word of God
Is Jesus God
Islam the Message of Truth
Is Jesus God Ahmed Deedat VS Erik Bock
Is the Bible Gods Word
Dawah in the UK
Justice and Equality
Christian Missionaries in the World
Islam Answers to The New World Order
Free Bible Course
Daughters Of Pakistan
Arabs & Israel - Conflict or Conciliation
Debate Quran or the Bible Q A Shorrosh
Deedat A Muslim Fundamentalist
Easter - A Muslim Viewpoint
From Hinduism To Islam
Muhammad PBUH the Greatest
What Is Wisdom

2 - Second torrent contain: 
Ahmed Deedat - Christianity & Islam ( Geneva Switzerland) - DVD.avi

3 - Third torrent contain:
Al-Quran a Miracle of Miracles By Ahmed Deedat.avi 

4- Fourth torrent contain:
Dr.Ahmed Deedat - Muhammed in the bible


Anthony (Abdurrahman) Green 

Download torrent file: Jesus Interfaith Dialogue - Anthony Green

 Muhammad Abdul-Rahman Al-Orefy
Download torrent file: Muhammad Al-Orefy (Arabic)
It contain the following series:
استمتع بحياتك
حلقات برنامج مسافرون
سلسلة المبشرون بالجنة
 سلسلة برنامج دلائل و شمائل فى شهر رمضان 1429 هـ
سلسلة برنامج يا رفيق الدرب
سلسلة ضع بصمتك
على قمم الجبال

 Yusuf Estes
Download Torrent file: Yusuf Estes
File contains:
Woman Right and Limit in Islam